We match healthcare providers with the right talent for every role

Create a culture of outstanding care one job at time

The demand for qualified, highly-skilled professionals to care for patients has surged in the healthcare industry.

At CIS, our healthcare recruiting specialists can help identify healthcare workers with the right mix of expertise and experience for various roles.

We may have partnerships with hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare organizations, which allows us to provide job seekers with access to a broad range of job opportunities in the healthcare industry.


Healthcare organizations require talented individuals in every role. We can help.

Specialized healthcare talent recruiting

The healthcare industry has one of the most competitive job markets out there. Our recruiters can offer career advice and guidance that helps candidates stand out during interviews and enjoy the best chance for success.

We understand that placements can be difficult and time-consuming for healthcare organizations. The team at CIS can streamline the recruiting process from the initial search and screenings to background checks, salary negotiations, and more.

By working with a recruiting agency specializing in healthcare placements, employers can focus on providing top-quality care to their patients while leaving the recruitment process to the experts.

Are you a healthcare organization looking for talented professionals or a healthcare provider looking for your next big opportunity?

Get in touch today. We’ve got you covered.